Sneak Preview: Econo-Nuts
Sneak preview – coming soon:
We are going nuts at APM Hexseal!
We heard you! You asked and we answered.
You have repeatedly asked us for a more economical alternative to our ever-popular Seelnuts – a sealing solution that provides the highest degree of quality, reusability and sealing life on the market today. Not every application requires the extensive reusability of our premier line of Seelnuts – so you requested another option.
We are proud to introduce our new line of Econo-nuts.
We have developed a new design and manufacturing process geared toward applications where the molded component is not a requirement. You will still get the impenetrable sealing capability, for a reduced cost. Contact us for size and elastomer options.
More on the way…
We are also proud to introduce the Gigantor of Seelnuts!
This bad boy is designed for use in large-scale construction or industrial projects, such as bridge and tunnel construction, heavy equipment manufacturing, and off-shore operations. At sizes of M80 and M90, Nutzilla will give you the superior sealing and heavy-duty protection your project needs.